Saturday, July 16, 2011


Captured the Gemstones the human mind and his heart in ten thousand years of natural forces distinguishes miraculous.

Gemstone is composed of different types of       
metals polymer complex of tw o or m ore, It consists mainly of silica material with some metal impurities, The type of precious stone in different constituent material in addition to silica, normally present in the volcanic mud, volcanic gravel, especially in volcanic regions of the flow of riveInstallation of each Gemstone is different from the other terms of conditions and the constituent elements and the type of impurities during the cutting operations the basic structurers. The system networking Alchristala component of most stones Alchrimaha similar among those stones, which distinguishes the stone from the other is the elements of overlap during the emergence and training Alchristala rapid and repeat custom, format and method of the center Almtnoa at the beginning of the process of polymerization with varying degrees of colors depending on the degree of transparency resulting from several factors including the type of metal intervention of an impurity on the silicon and thus a large number and variety of precious stones composed a result, it must be noted that all types of precious stones composed of two elements and more only diamond is a unilateral configuration of one element is carbon. 
And some gemstones formed in the earth to different depths, and may combine with other elements or be in the form of free such as rubies emeralds and diamonds which is in some cases at a depth of 160 meters, almost out in the volcanic lava and the result of earthquakes. The others consists in the animal kingdom, where extracted from the seabed, such as coral and pearls, who was one of the most beautiful and most precious gems in the past, particularly the Gulf Pearl, who has gained considerable international reputation. It also gives us the plant kingdom beautiful amber yellow.

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